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Xibalba map sumaru theme

xibalba map sumaru theme

229–240 Jesper Nielsen: How the Hell? Thoughts on the Colonial Demonization of the Maya Underworld, pp. Chuchiak IV: Caves of Life and Caves of Death: Colonial Yucatec Maya Rituals and Offerings in Caves and Cenotes, 1540–1750, pp. Williams-Beck: The Center as Cosmos in Pre-Hispanic and Early Colonial Period Campeche, pp. 181–190.ĬOLONIAL CODE: LATE REFLECTIONS OF ANCIENT MAYA COSMOLOGYįrauke Sachse: Worlds in Words: Precolumbian Cosmologies in the Context of Early Colonial Christianisation in Highland Guatemala, pp. Brady: The Translation of a Maya Cosmogram onto an Uncooperative Terrestrial Landscape, pp. 161–169 Ana Somohano Eres: Xibalba: Is it Really the Underworld?, pp. 147–159 Daniel Moreno Zaragoza and Roberto Romero Sandoval: Skeletal Supernaturals from the Maya Underworld, pp. Braakhuis: Watery Underworld or Realm of the Rain Deities: The Aquatic Environment of the Tonsured Maize God, pp.

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UNDERWORLD: REPRESENTATIONS, ENVIRONMENTS AND INHABITANTS 117–130 Rogelio Valencia Rivera: Maíz y atole son su trono: K’awiil y la Montaña del Sustento, pp. Katz: A Blustery Melody: An Analysis of the Classic Maya’s Use of Music as a Mediatory Art Form, pp.

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Maitland Gardner: Gestures of Time, Gestures in Space: Communicating Orientation in the Classic Maya World, pp. La cabeza como locus anímico en el cosmos maya del clásico y sus insignias físicas, pp. Érik Velásquez García and Vera Tiesler: El Anecúmeno dentro del ecúmeno. MICROCOSMOS: BODY, GESTURES, SOUNDS AND TERRESTRIAL REFLECTIONS OF THE UPPERWORLD 57–65 Guillermo Bernal Romero: El Dios N-Sahbiin y Saturno: el ciclo maya de 63 días, pp. 43–55 María Eugenia Gutiérrez González: A Directional Pattern in K’ahk’ Tiliw Chan Yopaat’s Stelae at Quirigua, pp. Matsumoto: Verticality, Commemoration, and Demarcative Practice in the Construction of Copan’s Historical Landscape, pp. 3–23 Ivan Šprajc: Lunar Orientations in the Maya Architecture, pp. Milan Kováč, Tomáš Drápela, Jakub Špoták, Tibor Lieskovský and Ladislav Husár: Skywatching at Uaxactun: Reconsidering Perspectives on the Astronomical Significance of Preclassic Architectural Alignments, pp. SACRED LANDSCAPES: ARCHAEOASTRONOMICAL IMPLICATIONS OF SPACE AND TIME

Xibalba map sumaru theme