Martin whatson ar
Martin whatson ar

martin whatson ar

martin whatson ar

JEFF GILLETTE (US) Nuart Festival 2016.HENRIK ULDALEN (NO) Nuart Festival 2016.FINTAN MAGEE (AUS) Nuart Festival 2016 + 2018.ERNEST ZACHAREVIC (LT) Nuart Festival 2015.DOTMASTERS (UK) Nuart Festival 2013 + 2019.CARRIE REICHARDT (UK) Nuart Festival 2017.ADDFUEL (PT) Nuart Festival 2016 + 2017.The messiness of this blogpost written over 4 years -and still counting- reflects all that…) (Anyway, artists are in alphabetical order, I hope that helps…)(or you can use the table of contents below to skip to your favorite artists) (It might look messy, but -ehy- that’s the spirit of the streets ) artworks fade with time, get damaged by the sun -well, in Stavanger perhaps more by the rain- might be covered by another artist or buffed by the city council. So I guess it’s about time I shared what my favourite walls in Stavanger are, not just from last year’s edition of the Nuart festival, but since its very beginning back in 2001, when Martyn Reed founded one of the pioneering events dedicated to everything urban and public art, which –since then- has been breaking new ground in the street art scene worldwide.

Martin whatson ar plus#

Våre ukentlige lørdagsturer varer i 1,5–2 timer, og blir holdt på engelsk.ĭersom gruppen din består av ti personer eller flere, vil vi gjerne be deg om å bestille en privat street art tour.As one more year passed by, I found myself thinking about my happiest moments from 2016 and –undoubtedly- attending the legendary Nuart street art festival in Stavanger (Norway) was one of them. Apart from a couple of interviews (with Axel Void and Henrik Uldalen), I still haven’t told you anything about that amazing experience, although you might have seen my round-up of outdoor and indoor murals and my recap of Nuart Plus academic conferences on I Support Street Art, the website I was representing at the festival. Kunstnere inkluderer Dan Witz, David Choe, Dolk, DotDotDot, Eine, Ella & Pitr, Evol, Isaac Cordal, Jaune, Logan Hicks, Martin Whatson, Neils Shoe Meulman, Pure Evil, Swoon, Sandra Chevrier, Elki, Ememem, Bortusk Leer, Carrie Reichardt, Skurk og mange, mange flere… Enten du er lokal eller besøkende i Stavanger – se byen med nye øyne og bli med å utforsk den på en annerledes måte!ĭu vil lære om røttene til street art-bevegelsen – fra aktivisme og grafitti til sjablong-kunst og veggmalerier – og ta inn verk fra en rekke verdensledende gatekunstnere som arbeider i street art spekteret. If your group is ten or more we kindly request that you book a private Street Art Tour. For enquiries, please contact sin guidede ”Street art walking tour” tar deg gjennom 20 år med Nuart festivalens imponerende gatekunsthistorie, og utviklingen i Stavanger by mot å bli en av verdens ledende reisemål for å oppleve gatekunst. Our weekly Saturday tour lasts for !,5-2 hours, and is given in English.

martin whatson ar

Our friendly tour guide will take you on a 90-minute walk around Stavanger city centre that takes in smaller hidden art works and talking points of previous Nuart Festival’s as well as large scale murals. Artists include Dan Witz, David Choe, Dolk, DotDotDot, Eine, Ella & Pitr, Evol, Isaac Cordal, Jaune, Logan Hicks, Martin Whatson, Neils Shoe Meulman, Pure Evil, Swoon, Sandra Chevrier, Elki, Ememem, Bortusk Leer, Carrie Reichardt, Skurk and many more… Learn about the roots of the movement – from Situationism and graffiti to stencil art and muralism – and take in work from an array of world-leading street artists operating across the spectrum of Street Art. Street Art is without doubt the most exciting development in visual art for decades: a movement that has caught the imagination of many and continues to enrich our cities. Nuart’s Street Art Walking Tour takes you through 20 years of Nuart Festival’s impressive Street Art history and the evolution of Stavanger into one of the world’s leading destinations for Street Art.

Martin whatson ar